Julian Tenison Woods: A Life – Chapter 4th

Chapter 4th Soon after his arrival in Hobart, Mr Woods found circumstances quite different to his expectations… Though he remained only a few months in Hobart, his amiable conduct and fervent piety made a lasting impression on many persons…Mary MacKillop …Julian – after staying a short while in Victoria – went to Adelaide to join […]


Julian Tenison Woods: A Life – Chapters 2nd & 3rd

Chapters 2nd & 3rd After the death of Mrs Woods the family returned to England, and within a short time, Julian was taken into the establishment of the Times. He did not remain there long. Though gifted with great literary power, as his writings in later life prove, his tastes and tendencies took another direction…Mary […]


Julian Tenison Woods: A Life – Chapter 1st

Chapter 1st It would seem fitting that a wiser head and a more practised hand should undertake to write the life of Father Tenison Woods. Perhaps a noble work on the subject may yet be produced: meantime, it is a ‘Labor of love’ to draw this unpretending sketch, which will have one great advantage – […]


Fr Julian: Man of Words – Letter Eleven

Tasmanian Forests: Their Botany and Economic Value [i] was the title that Father Julian Tenison Woods gave the paper he read at the meeting of the Royal Society of NSW on 5 June 1878. In the paper Father Julian presented his observations of the forests he found in Tasmania from 1874-1876. He described various types […]


A Daily Cuppa with Mary and Julian Book

Sue and Leo Kane Announce the Release of A Daily Cuppa with Mary and Julian Mary MacKillop Place Café and St Paul’s Publications are proud to offer the latest work from Sue and Leo Kane: A Daily Cuppa with Mary and Julian, which hit bookshelves on Friday 15 November 2019. Inspired by the lives and […]


Birth of Fr Julian Edmund Tenison Woods 1832

A child is born! Autumn with its myriad colours of gold and red, could be seen in the countryside.  And as the Woods family prepared for the cold of winter, another child was born into their family.  Little did they realise that this child would leave England’s shores at the age of twenty-three, go to […]
