“We Say Sorry” – National Apology to Stolen Generations

Today (13 February) we commemorate the first-ever national apology made by a Prime Minister (Kevin Rudd) to initialise in 2008 the Australian Federal Government’s rehabilitation, justice, and reconciliation agenda for Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders, and the tens of thousands of Aboriginal children who were forcibly removed from their families during Australia’s assimilation era. […]


Julian Tenison Woods’ Baptism

Julian Edmund Tenison Woods was born on 15 November 1832 at Southwark in London, England. His parents, James and Henrietta were of Irish origin, James being a Catholic with marginal commitment to the church and Henrietta coming from the Saint-Eloy Tenison family with strong connections to the Anglican church. Julian’s birth was announced on 16 […]


World Mission Sunday 2022

When I met Catherine, she was sitting outside a tin hut – smaller than an Australian backyard tool shed with no windows, a dirt floor and no electricity or running water. This was the family home, in a settlement in Suva, Fiji, and held all their belongings. Catherine lived there with her parents, but her […]


The Friendship of Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods

Each year we recall Julian Tenison Woods on the 7 October anniversary of his death and laud his talents and deep spirituality. While Mary and the early sisters didn’t readily express their attachment to Julian’s eco-spirituality in writing, I am certain that his vision brushed off on them and that they shared his wonder at […]


Mary MacKillop’s Humanity and Humour

Flesh and blood MacKillop is a woman of strength and humour who had her share of personal heartbreak. The real, very human MacKillop lies somewhere between feminist icon and humble saint. No one is the loser if you recognise her sanctity and holiness, but you don’t lift her out of the realm of human beings, […]


What Would Fr Julian Say About Climate Change?

What would Fr Julian Tenison Woods have to say about climate change? Sr Josephine Mitchell imagines an interview with the scientist, priest and Josephite co-founder on the “MJ Media Network”… Interviewer: It is my great pleasure today to welcome to the program, a remarkable man who needs very little introduction, Father Julian Tenison Woods. A […]


The Compassion of Father Woods

Perhaps because of the circumstances in which Julian Tenison Woods constantly found himself, he developed throughout his life a deep sense of compassion for those in need of any kind. Losing his mother at an early age, his long road to priesthood and subsequent rejection by Bishops, his separation from the Sisters and his broken […]


In the Spirit of Transformation – Saint Oscar Romero

Holy Cross College, Ellenbrook, Western Australia: In the Spirit of Transformation – Saint Oscar Romero If God accepts the sacrifice of my life, may my death be for the freedom of my people. A bishop will die, but the Church of God, which is the people, will never perish. I do not believe in death […]


The Wonder of Water

I have come that you may have life and have it to the full!John 10:10 These words  of Jesus speak his deep desire for us, but also speak his call to us to bring about fullness of life for All. All does not just mean we, human beings, but All of Creation. As David Suzuki […]
