Julian’s Legacy

The legacy of Mary MacKillop is intrinsically connected to that of Father Julian Tenison Woods, who co-founded the congregations of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. When you are in any doubt, invoke the Holy Spirit and then do what you think is best. Let nothing disturb your peace.Julian Tenison Woods 1887 The Josephite founding story […]


Julian’s Story

Julian’s Story 1832 – 1889 All created things give us ideas and glimpses of the beauty of the infinitely beautiful Creator.Julian Tenison Woods 1881 Julian Edmund Tenison Woods was born in Southwark, England, on 15 November 1832. He was the fifth surviving child of James Dominick Woods and Henrietta Maria St Eloy Tenison. From his […]


AJASS Principals Lochinvar Pilgrimage

We are but instruments in the hand of God. Father Julian Tenison Woods 1870 In mid-June, Principals of the Association of Josephite Affiliated Secondary Schools (AJASS) completed a pilgrimage to learn more about the history and charism of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, with a focus on the Sisters of St Joseph Lochinvar and Father […]
