The Josephites in Queensland have been on a journey for a number of months. On Tuesday 14 February, we reached an important milestone.
This journey has led us to a deeper understanding of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its significance for our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Previously, in order to show our support, we placed our thumb prints around the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Murri Ministry and Kay McPadden rsj have walked with us on this journey and we are grateful to them for their support and guidance. David Riley, our artist, was responsible for the artwork around the Statement and our thumb prints which show our support for the Voice to Parliament.
On 14 February, the Uluru Statement from the Heart was installed and blessed in a moving liturgy at St Joseph’s Convent in Nundah. Ravina Waldren, many Elders, David Riley, our artist, plus the Principal and Deputy Principal and two Aboriginal students from Mary MacKillop College Nundah joined with many Sisters of Saint Joseph to comprise the congregation present at this liturgy. We have added our photo above showing the painting and signed the canvas supporting the referendum for a Voice to Parliament.
Is our journey finished? No! Our 27th Chapter (2019) invites us to ‘’learn from the First Peoples of our countries’’ and so our journey continues.
Isaiah Group
(Queensland Sisters)