Loved, safe, and cherished…
There is, was and continues to be a crisis in our community whereby people fleeing from danger are shown no mercy. Unloved, unsafe and uncherished, by a nation that prides itself on having ‘boundless plains to share’. Not as refugees, but as people, they have the right to equal care and support, yet when they arrive, they are mistreated and demoralised, due to the incompetence and downright indifference of the Government. Is this the home we’re willing to share? This inhospitable home?
As the Josephite Justice Network (JJN), we are in complete disbelief that this is what Australia is happy to settle for. This called us to action, by taking it upon ourselves to welcome people and families fleeing from danger into Australia which should have been done as soon as they set foot in this country. It is through the wonderful privilege of getting to know these communities through our Josephite Action Group (JAG) initiative that we have been blessed with beautiful relationships. Families who have been and continue to go through unimaginable turmoil and unrest due to unjust policies in place are the most resilient. The moments we spend together are moments that are loved, safe and cherished. It is not just us volunteers providing this, it is everyone as a community.
We are forever grateful for the people we get to work with, however we are most grateful for the communities we have met who have fled from danger. We stand in awe of the strength and love instilled in these communities. How blessed are we to be part of a community!
I leave you with a prayer of understanding and unity from Pope Francis:
God, Almighty Father, we are Your pilgrim Church, journeying towards the Kingdom of heaven. Though we live on earth, our true citizenship is in heaven. Do not let us become possessive of the portion of the world. You have given us as a temporary home, together with our migrant brothers and sisters, toward the eternal dwelling you have prepared for us.
Violet Cabral
Josephite Justice Network