“Awakened by the Spirit” Pentecost Online Retreat

This online retreat, entitled “Awakened by the Spirit”, employs scripture and art, in the form of mandalas.

Participants in this retreat are invited into a reflective place so as to be open to the touch of the Spirit as was Mary MacKillop.

This retreat is available in both PDF and PowerPoint formats for use on a PC or iPad.

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

PowerPoint Version

  • Each slide contains a Mandala and text
  • Text is pre-timed to fade in automatically
  • Allow yourself time for the last piece of text to appear on each slide, “Move when ready”. This will appear in time on the bottom right hand of the slide. Simply click anywhere on the screen and the next slide will appear.
  • At the end of the prayer the final slide will say “End of Day…”
  • There are approximately 15 slides in each day’s prayer.

PDF Version

  • Each slide contains a Mandala and text
  • There are approximately 15 slides in each day’s prayer
  • Click on the link to open the PDF
  • Keep your iPad in landscape mode
  • At the top right of your screen you can click to select your preferred app to “Open with” for example, iBooks, Good Reader or equivalent.


  • The time you give to each day of this retreat is determined by you as you move through the reflection at your own pace
  • Half an hour would be a suggested minimum to complete the whole prayer
  • Choose a time of day that is best suited to the demands of your life
  • Turn off your mobile phone
  • Try to eliminate other possible distractions
  • Take time to quieten and settle yourself.


Whether you are doing this retreat on your own or in a group, you might like to create a reflective atmosphere by dimming lights, lighting a candle or candles, or playing your favourite relaxing music softly in the background.


Please note that all Presentations and images pertaining to this Retreat are copyright to the Trustees of the Sisters of St Joseph.

  • Mandala’s and text kindly provided by and used with permission from Sr Patricia Snudden rsj
  • Retreat presentation and formats kindly provided by Sr Annie Bond, Sr Niesha Allport and Sandy Leaitua.

Quote References

  • Quotes and references when used appear within the given daily reflection. These have been used with permission.