For the Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians (24 May), we reflect on Mary as loving Mother and bearer of Christ.

The following PDF includes three days of prayer, a Visio Divina and a blessing:

Our Lady (Mary), Help of Christians (PDF)

What you will need

  • A computer, an iPad or Android Device
  • Access to the internet
  • If praying these prayers with a group you might also need a Data Projector


  • The Prayers are available in a PDF Document
  • The prayer for each day consists of two pages.
  • When you open the document scroll down to reach the 2nd page.


  • The time you give to each day of these prayers is determined by you as you give time for reflection.
  • Choose a time of day that is best suited to the demands of your life
  • Turn off your mobile phone
  • Try to eliminate other possible distractions
  • Take time to quieten and settle yourself.


Please note that all Prayers and images pertaining to these Feast Days are copyright to the Trustees of the Sisters of St Joseph.

  • Images and text kindly provided by and used with permission
  • Prayer formats kindly provided by Sr Annie Bond, Sr Anne Martin, Sr Julie Simpson and Sandy Leaitua.

Quote References

Quotes and references when used appear within the Prayers. These have been used with permission.