The Archer Letters The Archer Letters were published by the Sisters of St Joseph, Goulburn in 1983. The publication contains 33 letters (1863-1889) written by Father Julian Tenison Woods to William Archer. Each letter includes meticulous footnotes prepared by Sr Anne Player, a Sister of Saint Joseph from Goulburn (1934-2016) who was passionate about research into Fr Julian's life and times. These footnotes give context and meaning to the letters, situating Fr Julian within Australian society of the time and revealing aspects of his life and interests apart from the Sisters of Saint Joseph. View
Window on Creation – Carmel Jones rsj Window on Creation with Fr Julian is a resource that has been created by Carmel Jones rsj as an invitation to all who care about the future. The reader is invited to look at our world, as if out a window, with St Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis, and Fr Julian. Window on Creation is available for reading and download via FlippingBook. View
Julian Tenison Woods: Bush Scientist, Geologist This article is a paper presented as part of a symposium in 1989 on the life of Julian Tenison Woods, priest and scientist. Written by Peter Anderson cfc, it presents a comprehensive picture of the variety, extent and integrity of Wood's scientific work, his acute powers of observation, his enormous erudition, his capacity to develop an argument and to think ahead of his contemporaries as well as his concern for ordinary people and the economies of nations. View
Julian Tenison Woods: 130 years on… This article explores Julian Tenison Woods 130 years after his death on 7 October 1889 through noting his activities in the Octobers of his life. View
Julian Tenison Woods: Itinerant Missioner This article explores Julian Tenison Woods as itinerant missionary and natural scientist 1857-1867; 1871-1882; 1883-1886; 1887-1889. View
Johann Hinteröcker and Julian Tenison Woods This article tells of the connections between two priest-scientists, Johann Hinterocker and Julian Tenison Woods, who were not only friends of each other but of the earth. It was written to mark the 150th anniversary of the death of Fr Hinterocker in 1872. View
Julian Tenison Woods’ Travels and Scientific Endeavours in Asia Articles featuring information about the travels and scientific endeavours of Father Julian Tenison Woods in Asia. View
Julian Tenison Woods: A Life 'Julian Tenison Woods - A Life' written by Mary MacKillop in 1903 and first published in 1997, gives an authentic and inspirational insight into the life of Father Julian Tenison Woods. Who better to understand the deep faith and passion for mission of 'Father Founder' than Mary, to whom he was friend and spiritual director. View
So Small a Beginning – Conference Speech Sr Marie Foale speaks about the beginnings of the Institute of St Joseph for the Catholic education of poor children. She believes that as a young Josephite growing up, she had a sense that one day Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods had made a spontaneous decision to found an order. You’re invited to watch Sr Marie’s conference speech, ‘So Small a Beginning’ in five parts. View
Laudato Si’ – Webinar In May 2015 Pope Francis launched his encyclical with the subtitle “On Care for our Common Home” and the title “Laudato Si’” which are the opening words for a hymn composed by St Francis of Assisi in the 1200s. For our time, this document is both relevant and important, since it highlights the priority that respect for the environment should have in Catholic life, and integrates the notion with what is central to our understanding of humanity’s relationship with God. It is striking that many of the issues raised in Laudato Si’ find a parallel in the writings of Julian Tenison Woods. We can be proud of the fact that Julian Woods, as co-founder with Mary MacKillop, injected into the foundations of the Sisters of Saint Joseph a sense of the integration of spirituality and nature and set an example of science being a means of relationship with God. We remember, however, that he lived in a different time from us, and no-one is suggesting that his perceptions of creation and his world are the same as those of Pope Francis. But like a thread that runs through the whole garment, Julian’s words do illustrate his insights into a constant theme that can be traced from the Gospels to our era, and they, like those of Laudato Si’, can help us recognise these teachings as foundational to our faith. In this five-part webinar, Sr Mary Cresp explores some of the parallels between the work of Pope Francis and Julian Tenison Woods. Sr Colleen Keeble assists her in the presentation. View
Ego to Eco – Webinar Father Julian Tenison Woods was a Catholic priest who had made a great contribution to Australian Geology, Botany, Palaeontology and Zoology. Today the ecology of the Earth is suffering. Pope Francis states that we are in a time where peoples of the world need to have an ‘ecological conversion.’ Although Father Julian had lived in a different time to us, he had recognised the importance of looking after the Earth. In recognition of the great ecological wisdom of Father Julian, Sr Mary Cresp has created a webinar titled ‘Ego to Eco’ which consists of four parts. In watching the webinar, we can look to Father Julian as a model for ‘ecological conversion.’ View
Julian Tenison Woods: Man of Words Father Julian Tenison Woods (1832-1889) was a Man of Words. His passion for the mission of God and for all things scientific, together with his thorough research, gave energy to his listeners and credence to his readers. For the 130th anniversary of Father Julian's death in 2019, a series of articles with letters titled 'Fr Julian: Man of Words' were published. Although over 130 years after his death, we cannot have the privilege of hearing Father Julian speak, the articles have provided an opportunity to read his words. We hope you enjoy exploring through words. View