Holy Cross College, Ellenbrook, Western Australia: In the Spirit of Transformation – Saint Oscar Romero
These were the words said by Saint Oscar Romero shortly before being assassinated while saying Mass on 24 March 1980. An outspoken advocate for the Salvadoran people, Romero was often described as the “voice for the voiceless”; working tirelessly to speak out about extreme poverty, violence, and social injustice amid a growing war between left and right-wing forces. His life was one of great personal transformation. It was the murder of a close friend – Father Rutilio Grande – which catalysed Romero’s rebirth from a shy, “conservative” man into a revolutionary ready to give his life for justice to be served.

It is this spirit of transformation which forms the very fabric of the Holy Cross College community. Our College vision, “a community of transformation in the risen Christ”, draws great inspiration from Romero. In all areas of LIFE – Learning, Inter-relationships, Faith and Enrichment – all at the College strive to embody his courage to grow into our untapped potential.
It is why, across all year levels at the College, there is such a strong culture of pilgrimage. When Romero experienced the death of his close friend; when he was made Archbishop in a country plagued by poverty; when all expected him to stick to the status quo and allow injustice to simply pass him by, Romero chose to live out the Gospel message – knowing full well that he was placing himself in a life-threatening position. Across all year levels, Romero inspires all in the College community to embrace challenges as we embark on the Camino Salvado. Pilgrimage is deeply intertwined into our college community; we walk not along the easy path, but along the path that leads us to Christ as Romero did.
Saint Oscar Romero is truly an inspiration for us all at Holy Cross College. In every aspect of his life, Romero embodied our college motto to “live life to the full” (John 10:10); so much so that even in death, his words continue to impact us all.
Not only in the people of El Salvador – but in the lives, stories and futures of every student at Holy Cross College.
Jhermayne Ubalde
Year 12 Student
Holy Cross College, Ellenbrook, WA
Photo provided by Holy Cross College. Used with permission.