Spring brings with it more hours of daylight, warming temperatures and new beginnings in nature.
In the Seasons for Growth program we are reminded there are opportunities to learn new skills to help us adapt to the change and loss experienced. This spring, we are also reminded of the incredible response of many in support of those who have experienced the devastating bushfires of 2019/20.
Children and young people are particularly vulnerable. Exposure to disaster events effects their mental health and can impact their educational outcomes both in the short and longer-term. Evidence suggests that most children will cope effectively following a disaster given support, time and the appropriate intervention. Read More

There is an increasing demand for support to deliver training that provides a safe space for children and young people to give a voice to their experiences and learn appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and manage the changes brought about by a natural disaster. We continue to provide opportunities over the coming months for you to train in Seasons for Growth and our funded Stormbirds programs. Further training dates will soon be available for 2021.
The experience of COVID-19 has been shared for communities across the world and as we well know, whilst a shared experience the impact will be unique to an individual, family and community. Please refer to the grief assistance page on the website for helpful factsheets – we encourage you to share these through your community networks.
We hope you find the following articles and information helpful.
Best Practice Guide
to supporting children and young people, as well as adults following a community disaster event.
The five principles are:
- Promote a sense of safety
- Promote calming
- Promote a sense of self- and collective efficacy
- Promote connectedness
- Promote hope.
These five principles of best practice are foundational concepts in the suite of Seasons for Growth programs.
Read more Keys to Resilience here
Justine Richardson
Good Grief