Joseph, the Pilgrim of Hope

Greetings on the feast of Saint Joseph.

This Jubilee year provides each one of us with the opportunity to reflect on the role of pilgrimage in our lives and in the life of Joseph. The Gospel accounts in which reference to Joseph are shared speak of Joseph setting out on a journey to unknown and unfamiliar places – Bethlehem, Egypt and Nazareth. He steps out with courage, trusting that God would walk with him in these difficult moments.

I am sure at times he must have felt anxious and afraid as he navigated his way through the perils that surrounded him. He never lost sight of the mission entrusted to him as protector of Mary and Jesus. He remained steadfast, even when it was at times hard for him to understand.

[Joseph’s] humble heart rejoiced as he let no obstacles deter him from acting with courage. Mary MacKillop, 10.3.1907

Pope Francis invites us in this Jubilee year to “fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision”. We see this vision in the life of Joseph, as he gives new strength to Mary, sustains an open heart to what God was asking of him, and trusting that all would be well because his heart remained centred in God.

This theme of journey is present in Pope Francis’ Lenten letter. In the letter, he speaks of three journeys: the importance of journeying, journeying together, and journeying with hope. He speaks of the arduous journey for the Hebrew people and reminds us of the plight of many modern migrants and refugees. As we too reflect on Joseph’s life as a refugee as he journeyed from Bethlehem to Egypt, we find ourselves drawn into the reality of people forced to flee from violent situations in search of a better life. May Joseph, the Pilgrim of Hope, assist us in finding ways to sow seeds of hope in the amid situations of war, racism, violence, and economic hardship. Each time we extend the hand of friendship to another, offer to assist another or listen to another’s story, we are sowing seeds of hope.

Joseph’s pilgrim heart remained open, always attentive to where the Spirit was leading him. On this journey, he accompanied Mary and Jesus, reassuring them that God’s way is not always our way. Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods drew strength from Joseph as they placed the Sisters of Saint Joseph under his protection. On this day, “Our Glorious Patron was first honoured as Patron of little children, and our work committed to his care”. (Mary MacKillop, Letter to the Sisters, 4.3.1891)

Pilgrim Joseph, teach us to listen and to trust in God’s dream for us. Give us the courage to seek God’s face in unfamiliar places. Show us how to serve with a humble heart, as we respond to the call ‘to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.’ (Micah 6:8)

May you celebrate with joy the gift of Joseph to our Church and our world.

Sr Monica Cavanagh
Congregational Leader