Father Julian Tenison Woods died on 7 October 1889 in Elizabeth Street, Sydney. Since May 1887, he had been cared for by a community of women who, under the leadership of Gertrude Abbott, would later found St Margaret’s Hospital. With their help, he was able to sort out his notes and dictate them into articles and papers, answer letters and record his memoirs. He also received many visitors, including Mary MacKillop.
I invite you to imagine being one of those visitors – making your way to Elizabeth Street and finding Fr Julian in poor health, but still welcoming and ready to talk. What would you talk about?
I think I would ask him what he had learnt from his many experiences that would guide me in my everyday life today?
Perhaps he would say:
Look around you at the creativity of God’s love… Contemplate the immensity of all God has created. We only know a part of it, yet God not only creates but sustains and renews over and over again. Allow your mind to be filled with wonder and be raised to God. Sense the sacred in everything – allow your life to be touched by awe.
Find God wherever you are… Don’t just think about God but sense the presence of God with you in every occupation. Everything in creation is interconnected, each dependent on the other. If you seek to live in harmony, live in right relationship with the world, particularly with the people around you. If you are committed to making the world a better place to live in, explore the interconnection of concerns for nature, justice for the poor and commitment to society and interior peace.
Live from your heart… Don’t get stuck in your mind/head and overthink and overanalyse situations. Instead put your mind into your heart and treat all creation, everything and everyone, with appreciation and reverence. Discern your decisions from the heart as well as from your mind. Live in simplicity, prayer and trust.
Live contemplatively… Take time to look around you and see with the eyes of your heart. Be present to yourself and to God. Take your thoughts, imaginations, considerations into your heart space and ‘see’ at a different level. Become still and silent and notice what is rising in your heart. Take a long loving gaze at reality and depth the possibilities.
Do all the good you can… Whether it be social conditions or environmental challenges, be prepared to care for the world around you. Immerse yourself in the local community and do all you can to improve the quality of life for all. Use your gifts to bring healing wherever you can.
Thank you, Fr Julian for all you fitted into your 59 years of life. It is not easy to ignore or forget you – 135 years after your death, we continue to be inspired.
If you are interested in my further insights into Fr Julian, view Window on Creation here.
Carmel Jones rsj