How would Mary MacKillop vote in the upcoming Federal Election? We will never know.
Nevertheless, as the author Sheila McCreanor points out:
Although Mary MacKillop’s language is couched in the values of her time, we can follow its spirit and appreciate its important message.
This Federal Election will be an election perhaps like few others in living memory. We are called to what is at the heart of the gospel and Catholic Social Teaching as we consider how to vote responsibly for the good of the whole community.
To assist, the following Election Kit has been prepared by a group of justice, welfare, and education groups, inviting us to consider some of the critical issues facing individuals and communities at this time.
The link below takes you to two versions of the Election Kit. Please feel free to use the one that suits you.
Justice and Peace Office – Election 2022
You are also invited to attend the launch of the ‘Vote for the Common Good Days of Action’ either in person or via Zoom.
The launch will take place on 30 March 2022 from 6:00 – 7:00pm AEST at the St Columba Parish Hall in Leichhardt, Sydney. We will disseminate the various briefing documents that cover the most pressing human rights issues for this moment and discuss how these documents may be used.
Launch of ‘Vote for the Common Good Days of Action’ event information
For further details please feel free to contact me at Jan.Barnett@sosj.org.au.
Jan Barnett rsj
Josephite Justice Co-ordinator
Josephite Justice Network