The United Nations has declared 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages. To celebrate, for each month this year, you’re invited to view greetings for different languages.

For November we feature the languages Chinese and Nepalese:





Pope Francis addressed in the Encyclical Laudato Si that the disappearance of a culture can be just as serious, or even more serious, than the disappearance of a species of plant or animal. In this sense, it is essential to show special care for indigenous communities and their cultural traditions. (Referring to Chapter 145 and 146)

Indigenous languages specifically are doors to invaluable knowledge and ancestral practices on agriculture, biology, astronomy, medicine, meteorology and much more.

We pray the year of 2019 is a turning point in our collective determination to save indigenous languages.


परमेश्वर सृष्टिकर्ता आत्मा, हामीसँग हिंड्नुहोस् हामीलाई जीवनको लागि खडा रहन शक्ति दिनुहोस्, विनाश पृथ्वीको लोभको सामना गर्नुपर्दा।

हामीलाई हाम्रो भूमि पानीले प्रदान गर्ने सबैको लागि आदर अनुकम्पा हुन सिकाउनुहोस्।

God Creator Spirit, walk with us and give us the strength to stand for life, in the face of destruction and greed of the Earth.

Teach us to be respectful and gracious for all that our land and waters provide.



Three people walking towards red photo by Chastagner Thierry on UnsplashNepal Children Boys Begging Native Dress Standing obtained on Max Pixel. Both images used with permission.